Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cooking? Whats Cooking?

Well Dear Husband (DH) has suggest I start a blog about my new endeavors into the realm of cooking. Now why would I do something like this in the first place? I've been married for almost 6 years and I have two sons a 3 and a half year old and a 8 month old. DH does all the cooking, life should be great and why change things now.

The answer is that I've been watching ABC's Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution (JOFR) and he's open my eyes to the terrible food we're feeding our selves and our children. After seeing what those schools served I check out what foods our local school district fed the kids and found it was exactly what I saw on TV, frozen prepackaged garbage, it disgusts me.

Now by no means is our family the picture perfect organic eating, wholesome, super active family. No we're a two income family that has a mortgage to pay for, which translates to working a lot and leaving very little time to make and eat great foods.

My life is different then my mother, I'm a working mom, daily family time is limited. But my mother was a stay at home mom until I was 16, she packed our lunches and made wholesome dinners, junk food and fast food were a special treat.

I never learn much about cooking, she never forced us to learn, I think my parents were focused on making sure we were educated first and that when needed we'd learn to cook later. Lucky for me DH likes to cook, but he likes to eat lots of junk too.

So now I'm seeing this as my opportunity to make a bigger emphasis on healthy eating if I help split the work of cooking through out the week.

In less then 3 weeks I've cooked 5 dishes for my family, nothing fancy but its a start. DH seems to enjoy what I've done and is encouraging me to continue. I'm sure its because it gives him a break and lets him spend more time with the kids too.

So 3 weekends ago I took our our America's Test Kitchen (ATK) cook book and made Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic. I learned how to cut up a whole chicken, it was long and tedious cooking to cook but I survived and we had a good meal...repeater? maybe

Then 2 weekends ago I decided to cut up a chicken again...I was better at it this time and I made Chicken Diablo, scary name but not definitely not the devil. It used curry powder but it wasn't hot. It was great...repeater? yup

Then came last Friday, DH was out playing golf and I came home with the kids, I didn't know if DH had any food plans but I saw the Korean bulgogi in the fridge so I decide I'd fry that up and make ATK Potatoes Lyonnaise, probably did 1 potato to many but this was good...repeater? yes

Now this past week I got two of Jamie Oliver's cookbooks from the library and we picked out Chili con Carne from his Food Revolution (JOFR) book...mehh the first night...but way better the second...even Dear Son number 1 (DS#1) liked it....repeater? maybe

But today is my crowning achievement so far...from JOFR book I made Chicken and Leek Strogonoff. I've never touched a leek, I had to go on the internet to find out how to clean and cut one. This meal was super quick and easy to put together on a week night. I'm learning that cooking with white wine helps to give more flavor to foods and leeks taste good...repeater? definitely.

Well this is definitely way more then I usually write so I'll stop now.

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